Nursery Unit
Orange Room and Green Room 2- 3 years
Within this two set of rooms children have either joined from, the baby unit or entered our nursery for the first time.
Orange Room – 20 months onwards
Within this room, children are welcomed into a bright and spacious area that allows them to develop and grow into curious toddlers, exploring their environment with secure and trusting adults to support their play and understanding. Children are encouraged to develop their social skills through interaction with their peers and caring staff, independence begins to emerge at this stage and is encouraged by staff through support when needed.
Toilet training often begins in this room, practitioners work closely with parents/carers to ensure your child remains happy and relaxed during this time. Communication is our key aim at this stage, practitioners engage with children at their level, listening and talking to children with genuine enthusiasm and respect.
Each child will have their “key person” this special person will be in tune with your child’s needs and wants, through observation and assessment your child’s key person will plan next steps for their development. The Orange Room is well resourced, with a strong emphasis on physical play, this includes expressive arts and design featuring highly.
Their learning journey will be implemented through the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage set out by OFSTED.
Green Room – 30 months onwards
Children within this room are busy, busy children all day long! Children are developing at a rapid pace, and within this phase, children are becoming independent learners, caring friends and often masters of all they see or hold.
Children are welcomed into this room around the age of 30 months, core experiences are provided daily allowing children to return to and extend their individual learning. Practitioners know how to support children through their play, observing them and providing next steps within their planning for individual children’s development.
Children’s physical development is fundamental to all of their learning journey and at this age children have a strong need to be on the move! Practitioners use this knowledge in providing children with play/learning experiences throughout their environment, the outside area at this stage onwards especially provides many learning opportunities for children and is vital to their development. Practitioners work closely with parents/carers to promote all aspects of their child’s development, using this bond to ensure each individual is supported well through this stage of their growth.
Progress check at the age of two:
The two year old progress check has been introduced by the new EYFS. (September 2012). The Early Years Foundation Stage is implemented by the Government, it is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and five years.
The statutory two year progress check is new within the EYFS, however your child’s progress through all their stages of development has always been recorded and tracked at Green Lane Nursery.
This statutory check will be carried out by your child’s key person, they will consult with you as parents before any assessment has been recorded. This assessment will be focused on the three prime areas of development: Communication and Language development, Personal, Social and Emotional development and Physical development. The purpose of this check is to establish where a child is progressing well and identify any areas where progress is less than expected. It will also describe actions the provider intends to address, any development concerns, including working with other professionals where appropriate. Parents are invited and encouraged to contribute their observations and thoughts, the assessment will be based on the key person’s knowledge of the child. Once your child’s check has been finalised a copy will be given to parents and a copy will be added to your child’s learning and development record.